Testimony Before House Government Reform Committee on Human Cloning – James Kelly
Statement by James Kelly
Activist for Spinal Cord Injury Treatment
Fort Worth, Texas
A wise man once said: “For those who perceive, one sign is enough. For those whose minds are closed, a thousand reasons are wasted.”
The outcome of the present cloning debate will affect the lives of over a hundred million Americans. This is a cold, hard fact, not wild speculation. Every year twenty-six million Americans are diagnosed with diseases or conditions that stem cells are expected to someday play a major part in curing. Many more millions already suffer from these life-threatening or crippling conditions. Therefore it is not far-fetched to say that even a year’s delay in the availability of cures for these conditions will result in millions of Americans needlessly dying, suffering catastrophic impairment, or enduring needless misery. Their loved ones will know profound sadness and grief. Millions more will anxiously await the future with desperate hope. But what if their cures are delayed for three years, five, ten, twenty or more?
Americans are being told that cloning has the potential to play a large part in curing disease. Therefore, many who suffer these conditions (and many able-bodied Americans) support the cause of cloning regardless of the moral questions involved. They believe what they’re being told, and they’re speaking out in defense of their cures. But in my opinion the question we should be asking is not “Does cloning have therapeutic potential?” Rather, it is: “Will giving cloning research a green light speed the medical availability of cures, or slow or block their progress?”
Because of a 1997 spinal cord injury, I’m paralyzed below the chest. For the past five years I’ve closely followed medical research, learning the factors involved in curing my condition. Over the last several months I’ve compared the research progress and technical roadblocks of adult, embryonic, and clonedembryonic stem cells for all the conditions they’re expected to address. I focused on their therapeutic potential as well as safety, performance, and marketing potentials. In weighing these aspects I tried to determine objectively whether cloning research would speed or slow the availability of cures. My only priority is that millions don’t needlessly die, and that many others, including myself, regain lost mental or physical functions as quickly as possible.
I have arrived at a definite conclusion, and would like to present what I’ve learned. I hope each of you will draw your own conclusions, and speak up for your future while you still have a chance. But please do so while carefully considering the following points, for this issue’s outcome will all too soon be a matter of life or death for millions.
Embryonic stem cells taken from cloned embryos:
Adult stem cells:
The FDA approves clinical testing of new treatments based on their merits as a whole, including each of their component steps in context with the rest. Therefore, cloning’s potential for causing short- and long-term genetic mutations, tumor formation, and tissue rejection will need to be ironed out separately for each of its purported uses. Due to the complexity and magnitude of these obstacles and the number of applications that cloning is projected to address, while its clinical potential in the foreseeable future is completely nil, its potential to divert crucial resources for “a very long time” from other avenues, such as adult stem cells, is enormous.
Adult stem cell usage is not the only therapeutic avenue closer to providing beneficial treatments than cloning. In fact, for my condition, spinal cord injury, three primary approaches have been identified with the potential to restore lost neural functions (26, 27, 28). These are: bridging the injury site with a growth-permissive scaffolding or neutralizing inhibitory molecules within the site’s “glial scar”; inducing robust sprouting of existing axons to cross the injury site; and specialized neural cell replacement. Of the three, stem cells from whatever source (specialized cell replacement) have very little potential to lead to even minimal functional gains in the chronic condition if used alone (29). Overcoming the inhibitory injury site and inducing existing axons to sprout, cross the injury site, and remake broken neural connections offers far greater functional benefits (30, 31, 32, 33).
In his online spinal cord injury forum, neuroscientist Wise Young of Rutgers recently noted “a growing consensus in the field that the most desirable cells for transplantation are cells that are far enough along the way to differentiating into desirable cells, such as neurons, insulin-secreting cells, radial glial or olfactory ensheathing glial cells, that they have a high likelihood of producing such cells.” He was commenting on a recent study using fetal “progenitor” cells — stem cells that are committed to becoming a specific adult cell type but still retain stem cell characteristics. (34) Embryonic stem cells taken from cloned embryos are the very earliest and least developed of all stem cell types. Without implanting cloned embryos in a woman’s womb and then later removing the fetus, medical science has no reliable way to bring stem cells from cloned embryos to this “most desirable” stage. This study also points out that many scientists believe adult progenitor stem cells are equally desirable and are already being clinically tested in humans.
I began my inquiries with a chip on my shoulder. It appeared to me (from media reports of comments made by pro-cloning scientists) that religious groups and moralists might keep me from being cured. Also, I didn’t want to consider these moral aspects, in case my inquiries led me to conclude that my best chance of being cured lay in being cloned. Only a daily barrage of facts that conflicted with my preconceptions allowed me to see past my resentment and fear. That I uncovered these facts myself, rather than being told them by others, probably contributed to my gradual acceptance of what I learned.
After uncovering the information presented in this testimony I was able to objectively consider the moral aspects of cloning. Until then, I refused to consider these aspects in case my investigations led me to conclude I needed cloning to regain the use of my body. Once I made my conclusions based on what I’d learned, I still didn’t give any thought to the moral aspects of cloning, since my conclusions made its morality a moot point (regarding my own priorities). But as an ex-train dispatcher and ex-locomotive electrician, I tend to see things in black and white. So while attending the President’s April 10th speech in support of Senator Brownback’s proposed ban on human embryo cloning for any purpose (human somatic cell nuclear transfer), for the first time I looked squarely at the morality of cloning. This is what I saw.
No matter what it’s called, an embryo, a blastocyst, or whatever, if implanted into a woman’s womb, the living entity made through cloning would someday be an infant. Regardless of whether its eyes are blue or its hair is brown, the infant would have to be human, not a bird, or a dog, or a pig, or a zebra. Simply put, a cloned embryo is certainly a very small and very early stage of human life, but nonetheless it is a valid stage of human existence. So how could I continue to ignore the fact that cloning involves intentionally creating human life with the prior intention of killing it? Or how could I reason that any end justifies such a means…even if the end is supposedly to save my life?
The scientific and practical facts presented in this testimony led me to conclude that it’s highly unlikely that human cloning will ever be medically useful. Without a doubt it is a highly problematic avenue, requiring the diversion of substantial funds and resources from research avenues that offer more than futile hope. Therefore human cloning research is far more likely to slow the availability of cures than to hasten their development. Because of this and the moral perspective I’ve just presented, I totally support the Brownback-Landrieu Human Cloning Prohibition Act (S. 1899).
Most of us are instinctively horrified in a deep inner way by fatal sickness, lingering disease, and crippling conditions. Speaking for myself, I know I’m terrified of never regaining my body, or the life I loved. Therefore I can easily understand why we have a strong need to believe the primary goal of researchers is to make us well, or to protect our health, rather than to safeguard their careers, advance their special field, or protect the continued growth of science for the sake of science. But this life and death matter ismuch too important to allow us to choose our course through fear, resentment, trust, ambition, or hope. We need to get it right!
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